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Get local business details in 9+ currencies including GBP, EUR, USD or CAD
Send the money from your online banking
Manage 40+ currencies in one international business account
Withdraw from platforms including Stripe, Amazon, Etsy or Fiverr

Get local business account details

Opening a business account in a new country can be a huge challenge often involving plenty of paperwork and visits to a local branch.

With a Wise Business account, we’ve made it possible for you to set up local account details and start receiving money in 9+ currencies including USD, GBP, EUR and more in minutes- taking the pain out of getting paid by your customers.

You can use your new account details to pay bills, subscriptions and direct debits in the currency they're charged in, just as you would with a local account.

Manage 40+ currencies in one account

Doing business internationally doesn’t just mean operating in other countries. It also means paying suppliers, contractors and team members in multiple currencies and allowing customers to pay you in the currency that works for them without hefty bank fees.

With Wise Business, you can hold and send money in 40+ different currencies and convert easily between them at the mid-market exchange rate with no hidden fees. Learn more about how a multi-currency account can help you build a business without borders.

Withdraw earnings from Amazon

E-commerce platforms like Amazon have made it possible to sell to customers anywhere in the world. However, if you sell on Amazon and get paid in multiple currencies, you may encounter hefty conversion fees which can eat into your bottom line.

With Wise Business, you can withdraw earnings from Amazon directly into your account in 9+ currencies without paying a penny - all you need to do is open account details in your chosen currency and link your account to your Amazon sellers account to get paid seamlessly.

Integrate accounting software

Traditional accounting processes are often repetitive and time consuming with valuable hours lost to manual processing of expenses, invoicing and payments reconciliation.

With Wise Business you can sync with accounting software including Xero, Quickbooks and FreeAgent, enabling you to automate routine tasks and spend more time building your business.

Whether you're in e-commerce and selling overseas or a consultancy with global clientele, having a 360 view of your finances is critical for growth and profitability.

How to receive international payments

Get your account details


Sign up, get verified and pay a one-time fee to unlock account details in multiple currencies. Learn more about our pricing.

Invoice clients and customers


Create payment links to send along with your invoices, or simply add your account details to your invoice templates.

Get paid, and go


Get notified as soon as money lands in your account. Use it to pay your business expenses, or convert it to 40+ other currencies at the mid-market rate.

Key features at a glance

Explore Wise Business