Website Information
This Website is jointly operated by Wise Europe SA (for payments) and Wise Assets Europe AS (for investments).
Wise Europe SA is solely responsible for any content of this page and app related to the payment account.
Wise Assets Europe AS is solely responsible for any investment-related information, including the product marketing. The regulatory permissions of the Wise Assets entities are listed here.
Wise Europe SA and Wise Assets Europe AS belong to the Wise PLC group (list of all entities). WISE PLC is a company listed and traded on the London Stock Exchange under WISE.LON.
Company Details
Wise Europe SA
Address: Rue du Trone 100, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
VAT number: BE 0713.629.988
Country manager: Matthieu Deraedt
Board of directors:
- Kristo Käärmann (Director, Chairman)
- Kingsley Kemish (Director)
- Kathleen (Cassy) Ramsey (Non-Executive Director)
- Xavier De Pauw (Non-Executive Director)
- Wouter Dhont (Non-Executive Director)
Competent Supervisory Authority
Wise Europe SA is a company incorporated under the laws of Belgium with company number 0713.629.988. Wise Europe SA is a payment service provider authorised by the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) under the Law of 11 March 2018 on the status and supervision of payment institutions and electronic money institutions, access to the business of payment service providers and to the activity of issuing electronic money, and access to payment systems. Wise Europe SA provides services in the EEA.
National Bank of Belgium
14 Boulevard de Berlaimont, 1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 221 21 11
Contact: Wise Help Center
Complaints: Wise Complaints Process
Wise Assets Europe AS (previously TINV Europe AS)
Address: Veerenni tn 24, 10135 Tallinn, Estonia
VAT number: EE102649314
Management Board:
- Lars Trunin
- Svetlana Minina
- Pieter Paul Weyns
Supervisory Board:
- Chandni Bhan (Chairwoman)
- Karim Buggle
- Tõnu Pekk
Competent Supervisory Authority
Wise Assets Europe AS is a company incorporated under the laws of Estonia with company number 16267372. Wise Assets Europe AS is an Investment Firm licensed to provide investment services by the Finantsinspektsioon (Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority). Wise Assets Europe AS operates in the EEA.
Sakala 4, 15030 Tallinn, Estonia
Tel: +372 668 0500
Contact: Wise Help Center
Complaints: Wise Complaints Process
European Online Dispute Resolution Platform
The European Commission has set up a European online dispute resolution platform (ODR platform) at
Customers can use the ODR platform for the out-of-court settlement of a dispute arising from online contracts with a company established in the EU.