How to cancel a flight with Wizz Air

Zorica Lončar

If you’ve got a flight booked with Wizz Air and you can no longer make it, you’ll need to know how to cancel.

Read on for a handy guide on how to cancel Wizz Air flights, including cancellation fees, refunds and how to contact customer services if you need to.

We’ll even throw in a hot tip for cheaper holiday spending when you do eventually get to travel - the Wise travel money card.

But first, let’s get those flights cancelled.

How to cancel Wizz Air flights - a step-by-step guide

The easiest way to cancel Wizz Air flights is online, but you can also do it by phone. We’ll run through both options here.

Cancel a Wizz Air flight online

Here’s how to do it¹:

  1. Head to the Wizz Air website and sign in to your account
  2. Choose the reservation you wish to cancel
  3. If there are multiple passengers booked on the flight, you can select all or choose which passengers you’d like the cancellation to apply to
  4. Confirm the cancellation and pay any cancellation fees - we’ll look at those next.

Cancel a Wizz Air flight by phone

You can also get help with the process or cancel by phone by calling the Wizz Air Call

Centre on 09 057 070 000². Make sure you have your confirmation number, flight and passenger details to hand.

An important thing to note is that you may be charged for the call², and an additional fee may be charged. The Call Centre Transaction fee is for any services carried out over the phone which could have been done online - such as cancelling or changing a booking. This is €15 per request³.

Wizz Air cancellation fees

Wizz Air charges cancellation fees, which vary depending on how early you cancel your flights. These are¹:

  • €60 fee per passenger for cancellations up to 2 weeks before departure
  • €83 fee per passenger cancellations within 2 weeks of departure.

How to get a refund from Wizz Air

If you cancel your flight up to 2 weeks before departure, you’ll have to pay the €60 cancellation fee - but you can get a refund of the full fare¹.

Leave it any later though and you may lose what you paid for the flights, once the higher cancellation fee is deducted along with other charges. These include recovery of Wizz Discount Club benefits and other services¹.

However, if you have a reservation with Wizz Flex or you have a Plus Fare ticket, you can request a full refund from Wizz Air¹.

Need to cancel a Wizz Air flight due to Covid?

Wizz Air doesn’t seem to have a flexible Covid-19 cancellation policy. This means that the usual conditions and fees apply if you need to cancel Wizz Air flights for Covid related reasons.

The only exception is if you buy a Wizz Flex ticket⁴, which lets you amend your booking without paying a Wizz Air change flight fee. You can cancel bookings fee-free too.

Wizz Air contact details

Have a question about cancellation? Here’s how to get in touch with Wizz Air customer services²:

  • Call on 09 057 070 000 (premium rate charges may apply)
  • Speak to the Wizz Air virtual assistant on the Wizz Air website.

More Wizz Air contact details are available here.

Planning an overseas trip? Spend smarter with Wise

When you do finally take to the skies, make sure you take the international Wise debit card with you.

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And that’s how to cancel a Wizz Air flight in a nutshell. We’ve covered how to cancel online, and the best time to do it to avoid high fees. You should be all set to rearrange your plans.

Sources used for this article:

  1. WizzAir - refunds and compensations
  2. WizzAir - contact info
  3. WizzAir - all services and fees
  4. WizzAir - wizz flex

Sources checked on 10-Dec-2021.

*Please see terms of use and product availability for your region or visit Wise fees and pricing for the most up to date pricing and fee information.

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