Wise purchases vs unwise purchases

Anna Allgaier

If you happen to have read my blog on how my ADHD impacted my finances, then you’ll know I’m the perfect person to be writing this article.

I was the QUEEN of unwise purchases. Deeply ironic because I work somewhere called Wise. I’m aware. Thank you.

Whether you’re on holiday eyeing up the shops, hitting the supermarket for a couple of items and leaving with ten, or have so many packages arriving at home you’ve stopped going into the office, don’t worry. You’re safe now.

We’re going to look at a few examples of unwise purchases, and what to do instead.

**TLDR: Don’t be like me. **

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Outfits that look incredible on holiday and questionable at home
Everyone has come home, opened up their suitcase excited to put their new outfit on, looked in the mirror and thought “oh.” Holiday you isn’t the real you. Everything feels fabulous on holiday. The sky’s more blue, the food tastes better, and the O2 centre sized hat seems reasonable.


Do a little research before you transform into holiday you. Press pause and come back to the shop you were in later on. Remember, you can buy your desired get up online with the help of a multi currency card like…oh, I don’t know…Wise.


Spending so much money on coffees you could have purchased the entire Pret A Manger franchise
I don’t really have anything to say here, because I still do this.


You have three options:

  1. Put money into a nifty Wise Jar for your coffee escapades
  2. Buy a coffee machine/ gadget/ whatever, so you can make your own brew at home
  3. Give up caffeine all together which I don’t advise


Signing up for a gym memberships in January
The holiday season is over, and for some reason, we’re telling all our friends we’re training for a marathon, having never run for anything other than a bus.


Please don’t do this to yourself. “New year, new me” is a concept I deeply resent. You’re fabulous as is. Exercise when you want to, not because you feel like you have to. Find a sport or activity you love instead and try it out before committing to a contract.


Kitchen appliances we’ll never use again
No, you don’t need ice lolly moulds,a popcorn machine or a fondue set.


Buying anything other than the above items.


“I’m going to be the next Bob Ross, to the art shop I go!”
Oh, you found a hobby? That’s great. Obviously, the only reasonable next step is to buy a lifetime’s supply of everything you need. Because you’ll 100% never get bored of it, or realise, actually, it’s not for you.


I’m a failed Ballerina, horse rider and snowboarder, to name a few. But open my closet and you’d have no idea. Try before you buy. Sign up for a few starter sessions of whatever it is you’re in lust with, to escape being someone with all the gear and no idea.


100 kg of Nutella at Costco
Yes, it’s the most delicious spread that ever did live. No, you don’t need to build an extension on your house to store it all.


Bulk buying may feel like a steal but sometimes it isn’t a deal. And even when it is, think about whether or not you need it. Go into shops, both online and offline, with a list of necessities and compare prices beforehand.

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