Your go-to checklist for travelling abroad

Anna Allgaier

OMG you’ve clicked on one of my articles. I’m touched. Before you browse through this blog, bear in mind that all views, giggles and niggles come from me, Anna, not Wise. Why am I telling you this? So if you for some reason get angry, you blame me, not the company I work for. Lols.

I personally love a good list. Because nothing says fun like structure. Raise your hand if you agree. All my fellow Germans putting their hands up in the air.

Well if you're not the type of person to have a to-do list on your smartphone’s notes section and 10000 reminders in your calendar that are there to keep you organised but actually just cause debilitating anxiety, then this article is for you. I’m here to welcome you to the checklist crew and today we’ll be starting with travelling abroad.

Say goodbye to panic packing, bid farewell to last-minute Google’s and get ready to be the kind of person who smugly gets their travel documents out at the airport in a plastic folder.

Here are a few checklists for travelling abroad that’ll make your life easier.

Item 1: Order a multi-currency card

Packing, flying, documenting

Let’s start with the basics. You know, what to pack, what to fill out, bla bla bla.

Checklist for flying internationally

If you’re flying internationally there are a few things you’ll need to be prepped for that may have slipped your mind. Lucky for you, I’m here.

  1. Get travel insurance and see what your scheme offers
  2. Take a look at the foreign travel advice your government has on where you’re flying to
  3. Check if you need a vaccine or a form of health certificate (shout out to Covid-19)
  4. Look into what documents or Visas are required by your destination. More on this later.
  5. Google your local embassy just in case things go wrong. This is preparing, not manifesting. Promise.
  6. Brave looking at your horrific Passport photo to see if the expiration date is on the horizon.
  7. Check in online beforehand, and be sure to see how long you’ll need at the airport if your flight is long distance.
  8. Look at what your healthcare offers/ what the healthcare situation is where you’re going.
  9. Get Wise. Obvs. Look into using our multi-currency card so you can spend like a local and avoid being ripped off
  10. Check if there’s anything you can’t take in or out of your country of travel.

Travel packing checklist

Look, I’m not your Mommy, so I’m not going to remind you to pack socks, undies and thermals. But I will point you in the direction of some niche necessities.

1)Entertainment. You’ll need a book, you’ll need to throw an iPad in your kid’s face to make the flight more tolerable, pre-download your fave podcast or Netflix show. Put that pack of cards in your bag so you can whack them out on a rainy day.
2) Bags, a lot of bags. Suitcase, travel bag, day bag, beach bag. Think bags.
3) Adapters and charging packs. Keep your devices charged so you don’t have to speak to your family.
4) Medication and prescriptions. If you’re on any form of medication remember to pack ample supplies and remember, in some countries you’ll be asked to provide proof of prescription.
5) Money, money, money. This one’s self-explanatory, I hope.
6) A camera. Go old school with one of those disposable ones that never catches a good shot, bring the digital along or just use your iPhone like the rest of us.
7)Prepare for the weather. Day clothes, evening clothes, a cold-night's cardi.
8)SPF. Sunburn isn’t a good look.
9)Toiletries. Don’t go feral.
10)Face masks. Snorefest, I know. But Covid is still a thing and mask wearing rules vary country-to-country.

Travel documents checklist

Welcome to the boring section. Feel free to skip this part, but if you do, you may get denied entry. Your choice.

  1. Proof of healthcare and documents such as - proof of prescription, proof of vaccination, lateral flow results.
  2. Proof of travel insurance
  3. Passport, ID card, health insurance card
  4. Multi-currency card (do you like how much I’m plugging this?)
  5. Travel itinerary details; trains, planes, car-hire details. Have your journey printed out or on your phone.
  6. Emergency contact details. Another just incaseys.

Et voilà. There’s the important stuff.

P.s If you forget to pack something I will not be held responsible.

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