How to cancel an Emirates flight: step by step guide
Read our handy guide on how to cancel an Emirates flight, including refunds, cancellation fees and the airline’s cancellation policies.
Booked a Jet2 flight but can no longer make it? If your plans have changed, you’ll want to know how to cancel a Jet2 flight. And crucially, whether you can get a refund.
Read on for our handy guide to cancelling Jet2 flights, which covers everything you need to know.
We’ll even throw in a handy tip for holiday spending when you do finally jet off - the Wise travel money card. It automatically converts currency at the mid-market rate at the moment you tap and spend.
But more on this later. Let’s get back to what you came here to find out.
The easiest way to cancel a Jet2 flight is online. Simply follow these steps¹:
If you have problems using Manage My Booking or need further help, you can call Jet2 customer services on 0333 300 0042². There’s also the option to send a message on Whatsapp¹.
Jet2 flights are non-refundable¹. This means that in most circumstances, you won’t get your money back if you cancel a flight with the airline.
But there are a couple of circumstances in which you may be able to get a refund, or amend your booking so that you don’t lose your money. We’ll run through these now.
If you’ve made a mistake with your booking, the good news is that you can amend certain details.
You can change the name and date of the flight for a £35 administration fee per change¹. For date changes, you’ll also need to pay the difference in fare (if any). Minor spelling mistakes of up to three letters can be amended for free. You can make changes online, by calling customer services or visiting a Jet2 airport sales desk.
If you booked in error at Jet2, cancel your flight within 24 hours and there’s a chance that you may get a refund³. Jet2 says on its website:
“ is a non-refundable airline, but we do understand that unintentional booking mistakes can sometimes happen. At our discretion, we may consider a refund if you tell us about the error by contacting our Call Centre within 24 hours of booking.”
Like many airlines, Jet2 has brought in a number of policies relating to Covid-19, which you can read about here.
If you need to cancel a Jet2 flight for Covid related reasons, such as having to self-isolate due to NHS Test and Trace, you can amend your booking without having to pay an admin fee⁴. You’ll need to call customer services on 0333 300 0042 to do this.
When you do head off on your planned trip, check out Wise as a convenient, low-cost way to cover your holiday spending.
Open a Wise multi-currency account and you can also get an international debit card for use in 200+ countries worldwide.
This clever contactless card automatically converts your money at the mid-market rate whenever you spend. There’s only a tiny conversion fee to pay, or it’s free if you already have the currency in your account.
And there you have it - your at-a-glance guide on how to cancel a Jet2 flight. You might not be able to get a refund, but you might be able to amend your booking and avoid losing your money.
Sources used for this article:
Sources checked on 9-Dec-2021.
*Please see terms of use and product availability for your region or visit Wise fees and pricing for the most up to date pricing and fee information.
This publication is provided for general information purposes and does not constitute legal, tax or other professional advice from Wise Payments Limited or its subsidiaries and its affiliates, and it is not intended as a substitute for obtaining advice from a financial advisor or any other professional.
We make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether expressed or implied, that the content in the publication is accurate, complete or up to date.
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