From rags to riches: which Disney Princess has more money?


Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the wealthiest of them all?

There are many tales of the Disney Princesses. Some are new, some are old, some are fond of sleep, others have an entrepreneurial spirit.

From rags to riches, from riches to riches, from oceans and frozen castles, all princesses come from different backgrounds and bear different jewels.

But how much are these jewels worth?

Actually, I’ll do you one better.

Who is the wealthiest of the Disney Princesses?

Ranking these 10 Disney Princesses from rich to richest, this article compares the personal finances and savings of each, not taking into consideration wealth they might have inherited after their nuptials.

Take a turn into the unknown and demystify the finances of these damsels who are very much not in distress. At least not financially.

How to NOT be a damsel in financial distress

10. Mulan

While Mulan might not be a princess by name, she is a princess in our hearts. She made a man out of us and showed us what true strength and bravery looks like. Mulan does not only save the Chinese Empire but she is tasked with protecting the Emperor’s daughters. A role she does not take lightly and one that earns her a respectable salary.

Her salary however, unfortunately, falls short in comparison to her fellow princesses, placing her in the last spot.

Country of Origin: China

Estimate of jewellery valuation:* £1,650

Estimate of total worth:** $9,827.07

Estimate of total worth in Chinese Yuan *** : ¥70,133.34

9. Cinderella

The OG rags to riches, this kind-hearted blondie makes us all believe that if only we were to attend a ball we could find ourselves a Prince Charming.

She has also created some interesting curfew traditions.

But while she was forced to sew and clean for no pay, Cinderella, unlike many of her fellow princesses, had a decent inheritance even before marrying into the royal family. The fact that her evil stepmother and sisters took advantage of her is another matter entirely.

Hence, even without adding Charming’s royal wealth into the mix, she proudly stands as the ninth richest princess.

Country of Origin: France

Estimate of jewellery valuation*: £41,500

Estimate of total worth**: $42,000

Estimate of total worth in Euros***: €37,745.40

8. Tiana

Tiana takes Jars to a whole other dimension, and we’re totally inspired by that at Wise. An entrepreneurial spirit, Tiana did not take a traditional path to becoming a princess.

There are rags to riches, and then there are frogs to riches.

But despite the many obstacles put in her way, Tiana’s wealth now exceeds her every expectation with her successful business venture being one of the brightest gems in New Orleans.

While she managed her personal finances using Jars, perhaps she wants to explore Wise Business Accounts as her venture and finances expand.

Country of Origin: New Orleans

Estimate of jewellery valuation*: £100,250

Estimate of total worth**: $47,000

Treat your business like royalty

7. Snow White

She might be the fairest, but is she the richest? Snow White is a born princess, but I’m convinced the saying “money can’t buy happiness” stemmed from Snow White’s tale. In fact Snow White was perhaps happiest when she cleaned and cooked for the seven dwarfs (you guessed it, for no pay - what is it with these princesses and providing free labour!?).

But because every fairytale ends with a happily ever after, Snow White not only took back her kingdom, but also married herself a prince (of unknown origin or name, it is honestly shocking that these many years later we know nothing of this man).

Her personal wealth ranks her at number seven. A coincidence? I think not!

Country of Origin: Germany

Estimate of jewellery valuation*: £65

Estimate of total worth**: $1,000,000

Estimate of total worth in Euros***: €893,450

6. Belle

This beauty might have won over the beast, but she has hit the jackpot as well.

And yes, I am talking about the library.

Belle’s father was an inventor, and while perhaps today that could have earned him a few rounds of investment on Dragons’ Den, in this tale as old as time, it earned him the reputation of a lunatic. It did also earn him enough to leave his daughter a respectable inheritance as well though.

No matter, Belle found herself a beastly prince and with him came the title of a princess and riches to go with it.

Where do you think the beast kept his money all those years? Well, I know where you can keep yours, although Wise Jars will not come alive and start singing.

Country of Origin: France

Estimate of jewellery valuation*: £300

Estimate of total worth**: $1,200,000

Estimate of Total Worth in Euros***: €1,078,440

Be our guest! Fill a Jar!

5. Aurora

Aurora might have been sleeping, but her finances weren’t!

A princess by birthright, Aurora was born into riches, and while the curse put her to sleep, this allowed for her wealth to multiply in size in the meantime (that is, _if _they had invested their money).

Moreover, a little birdie told me that there are some sleeping competitions where contestants get paid for whoever sleeps the longest…so if she ever wants to add more money to her account, that may be the job for her. She’s not called Sleeping Beauty for nothing.

Country of Origin: France

Estimate of jewellery valuation*: £52,500

Estimate of total worth**: $3,200,000

Estimate of Total Worth in Euros***: €2,876,640

4. Merida

This lass might be brave, but she is also quite rich. And while marriage might not be in her immediate plans, a lot of suitors line up for her hand (and wealth).

This Scottish princess, together with the acres of land, owns some quite admirable jewellery, placing her firmly at number four. A ranking she would’ve never accepted had the competition been in archery!

Were she to take on archery as an Olympic sport she would be coming home (unlike some football trophies - too soon?) with a gold medal and a nice annual stipend, not to count any potential endorsement deals.

Country of Origin: Scotland

Estimate of jewellery valuation*: £5,000

Estimate of total worth**: $ 3,929,721.60

Estimate of total worth in GB Pounds***: £3,008,860

3. Rapunzel

Tangled might have been what one would have thought of Rapunzel’s finances when they first met her. Cook, painter, carpenter, candle maker. This girl has done it all and for little to no pay up until the age of 18 (am I sensing a pattern here or what?).

After ascending to the throne, Rupunzel's long hair is no longer the only thing she has in high volumes...

In fact, looking at an estimate of her jewels alone, her tiara is the second most expensive artefact any one of the princesses wear (and to think they stored it under a floorboard - huh!).

That, together with the fact that were she to strike a hair commercial deal she would add many zeros to her bank account, places her as the third wealthiest Disney Princess.

Country of Origin: Germany

Estimate of jewellery valuation*: £150,000

Estimate of total worth**: $20,000,000

Estimate of Total Worth in Euros***: €17,994,000

2. Ariel

A collector at heart, I reckon even if Ariel hadn’t been a princess to begin with, she would have still made an income by selling the antiques she collected throughout the years.

King Triton might be the ruler of the seas, but together with taming waves comes owning large expanses of underwater land which is probably worth a fortune. Being a princess of the sea kingdom, Ariel’s wealth might not be part of our world, but it does come with a lot of zeroes, making her the runner up in this list.

If there is one takeaway from her story: READ DOCUMENTS BEFORE YOU SIGN.

There is always something hidden in the fine print!

Country of Origin: Denmark

Estimate of jewellery valuation*: £550

Estimate of total worth**: $40,084,000

Estimate of Total Worth in Danish Kroner***: kr 268,900,708.12


Modest by nature, it comes to no one’s surprise that the top spot for the wealthiest princess is taken by Princess Jasmine.

Her wealth is from a whole new world, and while her personal jewellery might only amount to a total of £5,500 in comparison to some of her fellow princesses, Jasmine’s wealth surprasses them all as the daughter of the Sultan.

Why do you think Jafar went to such lengths to secure a royal marriage? But to no avail as Jasmine followed her heart and married the Prince of Thieves who stole her heart.

Country of Origin: Agrabah, Arabian Desert Kingdom

Estimate of jewellery valuation*: £5,500

Estimate of total worth**: $25,000,000,000

Estimate of Total Worth in Brunei Dollar***: B$ 32,675,000,000

From genie lamps, to restaurant ventures, to ruling kingdoms, these princesses have more to teach us about financial responsibility than merely how to balance a crown.

Opening our own vault of riches, I’ll be generous and provide you with some further guidance on managing your personal finances, lucky you!

Personal Finances, tips and tricks

This might be a Brat summer, but always remember to be the Queen of your own finances. And you know what they have to say of Queens…that they are Wise.

Written by Eleni Socratous


*The estimates of jewellery valuation for each princess is according to Money: Kingdom of Jewels

**The estimates of total worth are conducted via a cross-reference between Insider Monkey, The Squander, and Yahoo finance, and excludes money inherited via marriage.

*** The conversion between currencies was done using Wise’s currency converter using the mid-market exchange rate, as of 21 August 2024, 19:22 EST.

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