Need to send or convert currencies?
3. Get paid from abroad for free with local bank details of major currencies.
1. Send money to over 80 countries with the real exchange rate.
2. Hold over 50 currencies in your account, and convert between them instantly.
4. Spend internationally with our debit card when you shop online or travel.
Save when you send, like Jorcelina.
Meet Jorcelina, the world's best grandma. She's in Brazil but her grandkids live in Spain, so while she can't see them, she spoils them with a little extra money a few times a year.
The problem was that her bank's bad rates meant that less money got to her family’s account. It was like a chunk went missing.
She switched to Wise and now she gets the real rate, which means her grandkids get even more money.
Juggle currencies with ease, like Alex.
Meet Alex, an artist. His paintings hang in fancy galleries, he's got a studio in NYC, and he's doing well — which is ace, since he's a great guy. Here’s the rub: He’s moving to Japan and he’s got money tied up in both yen and dollars.
Alex uses Wise to hold balances in both currencies and convert between them instantly whenever he needs.
Wise lets you hold over 50 currencies. It’s like having accounts all over the world, with none of the hassle.
Get paid pain-free, like Jeremy.
Jeremy's one of our coolest customers. He’s the guitarist for Canadian punk band Comeback Kid (fun fact: as a kid he wasn’t even allowed to listen to rock n roll).
Jeremy tours all over — so he gets paid all over: Europe, Australia, the US. It used to be a nightmare; the band lost loads of loonies on currency conversion.
Now, his Wise account comes with bank details for those other countries, so he can get paid in those currencies in one place. No fees, no fuss.
Spend smartly, like these savvy twins.
Twins Polliana and Paolla have been to 56 countries. But on country 52, they lost their wallets. All their cash was gone.
On their next trip, they took a snazzy green Wise debit card. And now that they get the real exchange rate, they've realised they were losing money even before their wallets went missing.
Great for spending abroad and shopping online, and you can even freeze it in-app if you lose it, and get instant payment alerts.
Ready to start?
Create a free account today or try out our calculator to see how much you could save.