Convert money on your own terms

Getting started is easy

1. Choose the currencies
Select the currency you want to convert from and tap ‘Convert’. Then add the currency to convert to. Open a currency account

2. Pick the amount
Choose the amount of money to convert between the currencies. And toggle on 'Auto Convert'.

3. Set your desired rate
Set the rate at which to convert your money. We'll notify you when your money is converted.
Catch your dream rate everytime
Auto Conversions make managing your money across borders a breeze. Let us know your dream rate, and when it hits in the market, we'll catch it for you.

Set it and forget it
No more worries about the best time to make a transfer. We'll auto-convert your money when your desired rate is met in the market. You'll always get notified too. So sit back, relax and leave the rest to us.

Start planning ahead
Want to pay off big bills faster? Use Auto Conversions to move money in advance and optimize your international cash flow. You'll enjoy peace of mind knowing you're getting the best rate every time.