Hoi Yi Leung

Hoi Yi Leung

Born and raised in Hong Kong and now based in Tallinn, Hoi Yi is a Senior SEO Content Specialist at Wise, aiming to help people manage their money and simplify their international finances wisely.


EMT 转账怎么用?EMT 转账多久到账?

EMT(Email Money Transfer,电子邮件转账)是加拿大国内常见的转账方式。发款人只需要在网上银行发出汇款,收款人便会透过电邮接收通知,再透过特定链接进行收款。本文介绍 EMT 转账的实际操作,说明 EMT 转账怎么用。

Hoi Yi Leung
01.03.24 3分钟阅读
