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Special Provisions for Card Services

Wise Payments Japan K.K.

1 May 2024


These Special Provisions are intended to set forth the matters in relation to the use of the card services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) pertaining to the Wise debit card (hereinafter referred to as the “Card”) issued by Wise Payments Japan K.K. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) to the Users who have opened a Wise account. The Users using the Services are asked to carefully read these Special Provisions when registering to use the Services and agree to all provisions set forth herein before using the Services.

The Company recommends that the Users print out a copy of these Special Provisions to retain as a reference. The Users not agreeing to these Special Provisions may not use the Services.

Article 1 (General Provisions)

  1. These Special Provisions apply to the Users together with the Terms of Use for Wise Account and the Privacy Policy (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”). Matters not provided for in these Special Provisions shall be governed by the Terms and Conditions.
  2. If the provisions of these Special Provisions are different from the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, the provisions of these Special Provisions will apply in priority.
  3. Unless specified otherwise, the terms used in these Special Provisions have the same meaning as those used in the Terms and Conditions.

Article 2 (Issuance of the Card)

  1. The Users who have opened a Wise account with the Company may apply for issuance of the Card by the method prescribed by the Company upon agreeing to these Special Provisions.
  2. The Company shall have, at its discretion, the right to determine whether or not to issue the Card after considering the information of the User, and to refuse to issue the Card. If the Company approves the issuance of the Card, the Company will notify the User to that effect and issue the Card. The fees required for issuance of the Card shall be borne by the User (see here).
  3. When the Card issued by the Company is delivered, the User shall sign his or her name on the signature strip on the back of the Card. The User will be deemed to have agreed to these Special Provisions if the User signs on the signature strip on the back of the Card.
  4. The Card will be activated by the method prescribed by the Company through the application provided by the Company or on the Company’s website.
  5. When you change your profile address to a new country, your existing Cards will continue working in the same manner and will be subject to the same fee structure based on the latest Wise entity serving you, until you order a new Card. When you change your profile address to a new country and order a new Card, all the new and existing Cards associated with your profile will be subject to the fee structure for transactions for getting cash or cash equivalents of the newest Wise entity serving you.

Article 3 (Management, etc. of the Card)

  1. The Users shall strictly manage the Card at their responsibility so that the Card will not be used by others, and shall not make it available for use by others. If the Card, the card number, or PIN of the Users is used, the Company will deem that the Users themselves used the Card and the Services.
  2. The Users may not assign, loan, pledge, or otherwise establish any right of a third party on, or make available for use by a third party, the Card, the position of the Users as a contractual party under these Special Provisions, or any other rights pertaining to the Services.
  3. The Users shall strictly manage their PIN and other security information at their own responsibility, so that such information will not be known to any third party. The Company assumes no liability for any damage suffered by the Users as a result of a third party coming to know the Users’ PIN or other security information.
  4. If the User confirms its transaction history and becomes aware of any unauthorized, inaccurate, or incorrect transaction, the User shall promptly notify the Company to that effect.
  5. The ownership right of the Card shall belong to the Company.
  6. If the Card is stolen, lost, or counterfeited, or if there is any doubt that the PIN is known to any person other than the User, or if there is any doubt of unauthorized use of the Card, card number, or PIN, the User must suspend the use of the Card and immediately notify the Company of such incident. If the Card is discovered after notification is made by the User to the Company, the User shall promptly notify the Company to that effect. If your Card is used without your permission, or is lost, stolen or if you suspect the Card may be misused, we may disclose to law enforcement agencies any information which we reasonably believe may be relevant.
  7. In the case of the preceding section, the User may request the Company to reissue the Card by the method prescribed by the Company. The fees required for reissuance of the Card shall be borne by the User (see here).
  8. Irrespective of whether or not the User has given notification to the Company as set out in the section 6 of Article 3, the Company will assume no liability even if the Users suffer damage as in the case set out in section 6 of Article 3, and the User will assume all liability pertaining to the use of the Card.

Article 4 (Use of the Card)

  1. By using the Card, the Users may, within the extent of the balance held in the Wise account, make payment of purchase prices for products, services, or the like provided by affiliated stores located inside and outside Japan prescribed by the Company, or withdraw funds held in the Wise account via ATMs prescribed by the Company. However, the Users may not use the Card to deposit the funds via ATMs. The major features and information of the Card are described here.
  2. If the currency (hereinafter referred to as the “Currency Used for Payments, etc.”) in which the User makes payment of purchase prices for products, services, or the like, or withdraws funds (hereinafter referred to as “Payments, etc.”) is the same as currency held by the User in the Wise account, the Payments, etc. will immediately be made from the balance of that currency at the time when the Card is used. If the Currency Used for Payments, etc. is not the same as any of the currencies held at the Wise account, the Company will immediately make the Payments, etc. at the time when the Card is used by (i) designating the currency to be converted among the currencies held at the Wise account of that User and (ii) converting the balance of that currency to the Currency Used for Payments, etc. by using the exchange rate set by the Company. If the Currency Used for Payments, etc. is not supported by the Company, the Company will immediately make Payments, etc. at the time when the Card is used by (i) designating the currency to be converted among the currencies held at the Wise account of that User and (ii) converting the balance of that currency to the Currency Used for Payments, etc. by using the exchange rate set by a card brand prescribed by the Company. If any currency is converted to a different currency upon making Payments, etc., the Users will be charged conversion fees. For the latest information on such conversion fees, please refer to the Company’s website.
  3. Upon converting a currency to a different currency as set out in the preceding section, the Company may use the exchange rate set by the Company. The Company will take reasonable measures when setting its exchange rate to be synchronized with the mid-market rate on the global currency markets. However, the exchange rate set by the Company is based on various sources of information and the Company does not guarantee it will be synchronized with the mid-market rate at a specific point of time. The Company assumes no liability for any reduction to the amount as a result of fluctuations in the currency exchange market.
  4. The upper transaction limit for Payments, etc. utilizing the Services is 1,000,000 yen per transaction (not including any fees). There is no lower transaction limit.
  5. If the currency in which the User receives a refund (hereinafter the “Refunded Currency”) is a currency supported by the Company, such refunds will be recorded in the Refunded Currency in the balance of the User’s Wise account. If the Refunded Currency is not supported by the Company, the Company will convert the Refunded Currency to a supported currency designated by the Company, by using the exchange rate set by a card brand prescribed by the Company, and record the Refunded Currency in the balance of the User’s Wise account. In order to receive refunds, the Users may be required to activate the currencies deposited in the Wise account.
  6. In case you notice a refund has been received twice for the same transaction, from Wise and the merchant, you are required immediately to let us know, and we always reserve the right to debit back a previously issued refund when a refund for the same transaction has been provided by the merchant as well, without prior notice.
  7. The Users may not make a Payment, etc. (including any fees) that exceeds the available balance of the Wise account. If the amount of a Payment, etc. (including any fees) exceeds the available balance of the Wise account or the upper limit of the Services, the Company may refuse to process such Payment, etc.
  8. The Company may refuse to permit the use of the Card if the use of such Card falls under any of the following items:
    1. pre-authorized regular payments;
    2. transactions at self-service petrol pumps;
    3. transactions involving cash receipt (other than ATM withdrawal) including for example cash back, money orders, traveller’s cheques, or foreign exchange;
    4. transactions which violate the laws and regulations or are contrary to public order and morality;
    5. if the provider of products, services, or the like is unable to confirm online that the User has sufficient balance for the transaction;
    6. if the User uses a Card that does not belong to the User;
    7. if the User makes the Card available for use by a third party;
    8. if the Company deems that the Card is being used without the authorization of the User of that Card; or
    9. if the Company deems that there is any justifiable reason other than those in the foregoing items which requires its refusal to permit use of the Card.

Article 5 (Fees)

  1. Certain transactions for getting cash or cash equivalents (such as ATM withdrawals, getting cash from a merchant or bank, money orders, travellers cheques, foreign exchange or bureau de change) may incur additional fees, refer to Pricing page for details.
  2. For local and international ATM withdrawals, as well as getting cash at a merchant or bank, subject to the law and rules, applicable ATM and/or withdrawal charges may apply.
  3. For transactions where the Card is used to fund e-wallets and accounts or items which may be convertible to cash (such as casino chips, cryptocurrencies and lottery tickets), additional charges may apply. The latest information for such fees can be found on the Company’s website (see here)
  4. The Company may withdraw from the balance of the Users’ Wise account
    1. the fees to be borne by the Users in accordance with these Special Provisions and
    2. any other fees to be paid by the Users to the Company.

Article 6 (Valid Period)

  1. The Company will set the valid period of the Card. The Users shall not use a Card that has expired.
  2. We’ll aim to provide you with new card details to use 2 months before your current card will expire. You’ll need to confirm the address to which you’d like the card to be sent to. A replacement card fee may apply (see here).
  3. If you do not want your Card to be renewed, you can simply let it expire without ordering a replacement. Your Card will be deactivated and you will not be able to use it after its expiry. Any outstanding balance in your Wise Account will remain usable by you in accordance with the terms of the Wise Account Terms of Use.

Article 7 (Ending, etc. of the Card Services)

  1. The Users may, at any time, cancel the Card by notifying the Company.
  2. If the Company deems that the Users fall under any of the following items, the Company may suspend or terminate the use of the Card or the Services by the Users without giving the Users any prior notice:
    1. the Users violate any laws and regulations or are in breach of the Terms and Conditions or these Special Provisions;
    2. the agreement relating to the Users’ Wise account terminates;
    3. the Users’ verification processes under the Terms and Conditions are incomplete, or the Users decline to provide information or documents necessary for verification of the Wise account;
    4. the Company is required or directed to do so by any court in any competent jurisdiction, government authority, public agency, or law enforcement agency;
    5. the Users are involved in any fraudulent activity, money laundering, terrorism financing or other criminal or illegal activity;
    6. the Users are declared bankrupt or insolvent, or the Users are the subject of a filing for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, commencement of civil rehabilitation proceedings, commencement of corporate reorganization proceedings, commencement of special liquidation proceedings, or commencement of other proceedings similar thereto;
    7. the Users’ Payments, etc. violates any laws and regulations or regulatory provisions;
    8. the Users use, or are likely to use, the Services for acts in violation of laws and regulations or contrary to public order and morality;
    9. the Users use, or are likely to use, the Services for a speculative purpose or the purpose of using the difference of the price on the foreign exchange market;
    10. the Users’ whereabouts are unknown;
    11. inheritance has commenced for the estate of the User; or
    12. the Company deems there to be any reasonable grounds for suspension or termination of the use of the Card or the Services other than those in the foregoing items.
  3. If the Company deems that transactions by the Users has the possibility to include any misconduct, fraudulent activity, illegal activity, or criminal activity or deems that the Users breaches the Terms and Conditions or these Special Provisions, the Company may suspend or cancel the processing of any transaction.

Article 8 (No Warranty; Waiver)

  1. The Company does not warrant the quality, safety, legality, or any other aspect of any goods or services purchased with the Card. The Company is also not liable to the Users for any loss arising from any merchant refusing to accept the Card, or any ATM failing to dispense cash unless there is willful misconduct or gross negligence by the Company.
  2. The Company does not warrant that the Services will always be available or uninterrupted. The Company may suspend or terminate the use of the Card or any or all of the Services by the Users under the Terms and Conditions and these Special Provisions without prior notice to the Users. The Company is not liable to the Users for the unavailability of the Users’ Card or the Services for any reason unless there is willful misconduct or gross negligence by the Company.
  3. The Company does not warrant that the Card or the Services comply with the Users’ specific purpose, have the features, value as a merchandise, accuracy, or availability expected by the Users, and do not violate a third party’s rights, that the use of the Card or the Services by the Users complies with the laws and regulations and internal rules of industrial associations that are applicable to the Users, or that faults will not occur in respect of the Card or the Services.
  4. The Company and its affiliates are not liable to the Users for any loss or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with the Card or the Services to the maximum extent permitted by law whatever the reason unless there is willful misconduct or gross negligence by the Company.
  5. The Card may only be used for the Users’ personal and private purpose. If the Users use the Card for any commercial or business purpose, the Company will not be liable to the Users for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.
  6. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Users have a business account, the Users may use the Card only for commercial or business purpose and may not use the Card for personal purpose.
  7. The Users shall be liable to and indemnify the Company for any and all loss, damage, and expense arising from or in connection to a breach or violation of the Terms and Conditions, these Special Provisions, or laws or regulations by the Users, the use of the Card by the Users, or misconduct by the Users, to the maximum extent permitted by law. This paragraph will survive in full force even after the Users cancel the Card.
  8. In case of disputed card transactions, we may, subject to any restrictions under applicable law, decide not to proceed with chargebacks at our sole discretion. Reasons for this might include: not receiving sufficient information to determine that an error occurred; not receiving a notification about the payment error in a timely manner; disputes being caused by the risky nature of transactions undertaken with the business debit card.
  9. Where there are multiple cardholders within the same business account, any transaction authorized by any one of the cardholders is deemed to be effectively authorized by the Business.

Article 9 (Refund of User’s Funds in Wise Account)

  1. Based on the laws and regulations related to the Fund Transfer Business, the user shall not hold funds in own Wise Account that are deemed not to be used for payment transactions under the services related to the Type 2 Funds Transfer Service provided by the Company.
  2. If the amount of funds held in the user’s Wise Account exceeds 1 million yen, the Company may collect information on the funds such as purposes from the user to judge whether the funds are deemed for foreign exchange transactions such as payments (hereinafter referred to as "payment funds").
  3. If the Company determines that the funds held in the user's Wise Account are deemed not payment funds by the assessment means set by the Company, the funds shall be returned to the bank account in the name of the user’s that is registered in the Wise Account.
  4. If the fee of bank transaction for refund exceeds the amount of the funds to be refunded, the user shall pay the fee separately.
  5. Even if the refund cannot be made because the user does not pay the fee of bank transaction for refund, or if the refund cannot be made to the bank account specified by the user for other reasons, the Company shall not bear any damages incurred by such case.

Article 10 (Prevention of Confusion with Foreign Exchange Transactions Performed by Banks, etc.)

The Users shall use the Services with an understanding of the following content:

  1. The Services differs from the foreign exchange transactions performed by banks, etc.;
  2. The Services do not constitute the acceptance of deposits, savings or fixed time deposits by the Company;
  3. The Services are not subject to the payment of insurance prescribed in Article 53 of the Deposit Insurance Act or Article 55 of the Agricultural and Fishery Cooperation Savings Insurance Act;
  4. The Company takes the following measures with the following counterparties to protect the full amount of funds remitted by the Users based on the Payment Services Act:
    1. Trust agreement: JSF Trust and Banking Co., Ltd.
  5. A system of security deposits is established under the Payment Services Act to protect the Users, and the Users may receive refunds under this system should the applicable circumstances arise; and
  6. The Users entitled to receive a refund pursuant to the preceding item shall be Wise account holders.

Article 11 (Contact Information for Inquiries and Complaints from the Users)

For general inquiries, please contact the following customer support desk.

Address: 2-13-12, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0027 Japan
Telephone number: 0800-080-4317 (Toll Free) / 050-3161-3745 (Paid)
Business hours: 9:00 - 17:00 (Monday to Friday. Closed on weekends and public holidays)
Inquiry Form:

Article 12 (Handling of Complaints and Dispute Resolution)

The Company implements the following complaint processing procedures and dispute resolution procedures under the Payment Services Act. The following external organizations may be used for complaints and disputes concerning the money transfer business. For inquiries to the Company, please contact the customer support desk prescribed in Article 11.

  1. Complaint Processing Procedures
    Japan Payment Service Association “Customer Hotline”
    Tel: 03-3556-6261
    The process used by the Association to handle inquiries and complaints can be found at the URL below.
  2. Dispute Resolution Procedures
    Tokyo Bar Association Dispute Resolution Center Tel: 03-3581-0031
    Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association Arbitration Center Tel: 03-3595-8588
    Daini Tokyo Bar Association Arbitration Center Tel: 03-3581-2249