Planning to send money from India to Liechtenstein?

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How to send money to Liechtenstein in 3 easy steps

Trust Wise with safe & secure money transfers to Liechtenstein

Safeguarded with leading banks

We hold your money with established financial institutions, so it's separate from our own accounts and in our normal course of business not accessible to our partners. Read more here.

Extra-secure transactions

We use 2-factor authentication to protect your account and transactions. That means you — and only you — can get to your money.

Data protection

We’re committed to keeping your personal data safe, and we’re transparent in how we collect, process, and store it.

Dedicated anti-fraud team

We work round the clock to keep your account and money protected from even the most sophisticated fraud.

Online scams are on the rise. Learn how to stay safe.

Ready to leave banks behind?

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