The wise way to pay an international invoice in Germany


If you’re a small business in Germany that operates overseas, Wise could save you a lot of time and money when you pay invoices in foreign currencies, compared to your bank or PayPal.

That’s because Wise lets you pay invoices in over 40 currencies straight from our website or app – using the mid-market exchange rate. Other providers typically markup the exchange rate, which can make it up to 8x more expensive. And unlike wire transfers, Wise transfers are fast – making it easier to pay on time.

"When the invoice isn't in your local currency, it makes most sense to utilize Wise." –Tuukka Koskinen, COO and founder of Zervant, a company offering businesses free invoicing software

Wise also makes it easy to pay out the right amount – in whatever currency the invoice is billed in. So if the invoice is billed in euros, our calculator can show you exactly what your recipient will receive in their currency. And if it's billed in their currency, the calculator will tell you the excact amount you need to send in euros.

And with our great exchange rate, you'll also do your recipients a solid. See out how much more a vendor in the UK would receive if you paid a €10,000 invoice using Wise.

Find out more about how we calculated this here.

It also doesn’t matter if the invoice is paper or electronic – all you need are your recipient’s bank details or email address to get them their money. It will go right into their bank account, or they’ll receive an email on how to collect their payment.

An overview of how to pay invoices with Wise:

  • Make foreign currency payments to vendors in more than 60 countries. All you need are their bank details or email address.
  • Always get the real exchange rate – with no costly markup.
  • Use our calculator to make it easy to send the correct amount – regardless if the invoice is billed in your currency, or theirs.
  • Create and send up to 1,000 transfers with just one payment with the batch payments tool – by simply uploading a file. It’s a great way to simplify recurring invoices.
  • Add money in over 40 different currencies directly to your account. Use that to fund your payments.
  • Convert between currencies instantly – just pay a small fee each time you you do.
  • Send USD to vendors with USD-denominated accounts – regardless of if their bank account is in the US.
  • For businesses that want to automate their payouts, learn more about the Wise API and how to integrate it with your business.

Do you also need to receive money or get paid? Wise is a great alternative to an overseas bank account. The account comes with local account details for the UK, US, Australia, and Eurozone – but you don’t need a local address. It’s like having a domestic bank account in each of those countries – so you can avoid receiving fees. And since you can hold over 40 currencies, you can use the money you receive to send payments – all from your one account.

Ready to sign up? Create your free account by clicking here.

Or read here for more information about paying invoices.

Wise will save you time and money when paying overseas invoices, and make the process much easier.

Already use us? Why not invite your friends? At Wise, we have a nice referral program. Invite your friends and family to send money with us from your account and we’ll give them a free first transfer. And for every 3 of them who make a transfer, we’ll give you a cash reward.

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