Big Cartel vs Shopify – Which Platform is Best for Your Online Store?

Panna Kemenes

In the world of eCommerce, selecting the right platform is crucial to the success of your business. Big Cartel and Shopify are two popular options, but they cater to different types of sellers. This guide will help you understand the differences between Big Cartel and Shopify, so you can choose the best platform for your needs.

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Overview of Big Cartel and Shopify

What is Big Cartel?

Big Cartel is an eCommerce platform designed for small businesses, artists, and independent creators. With its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing, it can be a great option for those looking to sell a limited number of products without getting overwhelmed by complex features.

What is Shopify?

Shopify is a robust eCommerce platform that offers comprehensive tools for businesses of all sizes. With powerful customization options, scalable features, and a vast app ecosystem, Shopify can be used for both beginners and growing businesses looking to expand their online presence.

Big Cartel vs Shopify – Key Differences


Big Cartel offers a free plan with limited features, making it an affordable option for new and small sellers. Its paid plans are also relatively low-cost but come with certain limitations.
Shopify’s pricing is more extensive, starting from a higher price point, but it justifies this cost with a wealth of advanced features, including more in-depth customization, apps, and customer support.

🔍 Read the full guide on Shopify pricing

Ease of Use

Big Cartel is known for its simplicity, offering an easy setup and intuitive dashboard for users who may not have technical experience. This platform focuses on providing basic eCommerce functionality without unnecessary complexity.

Shopify, while still user-friendly, comes with more advanced features that might require a bit more learning but are ultimately worth it for those needing comprehensive control over their store.

Customization and Flexibility

Big Cartel is relatively limited in terms of customization, with fewer themes and less flexibility than Shopify. This makes it ideal for smaller, simpler stores with fewer products and fewer needs for intricate design.

Shopify excels in customization, offering a wide array of templates, themes, and third-party integrations. It also has a robust app store, which enables businesses to scale and add new features as they grow.

Features Comparison – Big Cartel vs Shopify

Payment Options

Big Cartel supports only a few payment gateways, such as PayPal and Stripe, which might limit payment methods for some customers.

Shopify supports over 100 payment gateways, making it a global solution for businesses of all sizes. You can also take advantage of Shopify Payments, which reduces transaction fees.

Inventory Management

Big Cartel is suitable for businesses with a limited number of products, offering basic inventory management features.
Shopify’s inventory management is more robust, allowing businesses to handle larger product catalogs, track stock levels, and even integrate with third-party warehousing and shipping tools.

Who Should Use Big Cartel?

Big Cartel can be ideal for artists, creators, and small businesses that don’t need an overly complex setup. If you’re selling a handful of products and don’t need extensive customization, Big Cartel provides an affordable and easy-to-use platform.

Who Should Use Shopify?

Shopify is suitable for businesses looking to scale, whether you’re just starting out or running a fast-growing enterprise. If you require more flexibility, in-depth customization, and powerful eCommerce tools, Shopify can give you the features you need to succeed.

🔍 Read the guide on how to sell on Shopify

Conclusion – Big Cartel vs Shopify

When choosing between Big Cartel and Shopify, it ultimately comes down to the size of your business, your budget, and your long-term goals. Big Cartel is a simple, affordable option for small businesses and creators, while Shopify offers scalability, flexibility, and advanced tools for larger, more ambitious online stores.

Choose the platform that best aligns with your needs and watch your eCommerce business thrive.


About the author:
    Panna is an expert in business finance topics for the US, covering topics from invoicing to international expansion. She creates high-quality reviews on business finance tools and products with the aim to help businesses save time and make informed decisions.

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