Big news, we reduced our fees — again.Pročitajte više

Slanje novca using iDEAL

Send money using iDEAL from our website or mobile app, in just a few clicks. Join over 10 million people who choose Wise for fast and secure money transfers.
Availability of the payment type depends on the currency or the region.
Read more

Više od 10 milijuna korisnika
Pročitajte na Trustpilotu
Regulirano od strane FCA
Doznajte više
  • 0,45 EUR
  • 5,75 EUROur fee
  • 6,20 EURTotal fees
  • =
    993,80 EURUkupan iznos koji ćemo konvertirati
  • ×

Should arrive in seconds


Save on exchange rate markups

The cost of your transfer comes from the fee and the exchange rate. Many high street banks offer “no fee”, while hiding a markup in the exchange rate, making you pay more.

At Wise, we’ll never do that. We only use the mid-market exchange rate, and show our fees upfront. This table compares the fees you’d really pay when sending money with the most popular banks and providers, or with us.

How do we select providers and collect this data?
Sending 1.000 EUR withRecipient gets(Total after fees)
837,22 GBP
Transfer fee
5,75 EUR
Exchange rate(1 EUR GBP)
Exchange rate markup

Cost of transfer
5,75 EUR

817,37 GBP- 19,85 GBP
Transfer fee
21 EUR
Exchange rate(1 EUR GBP)
Exchange rate markup
8,50 EUR

Cost of transfer
29,50 EUR

Western Union
813,89 GBP- 23,33 GBP
Transfer fee
3,90 EUR
Exchange rate(1 EUR GBP)
Exchange rate markup
29,67 EUR

Cost of transfer
33,57 EUR

803,79 GBP- 33,43 GBP
Transfer fee
5,99 EUR
Exchange rate(1 EUR GBP)
Exchange rate markup
39,70 EUR

Cost of transfer
45,69 EUR

B Sabadell
799,41 GBP- 37,81 GBP
Transfer fee
22 EUR
Exchange rate(1 EUR GBP)
Exchange rate markup
29,30 EUR

Cost of transfer
51,30 EUR


Kako poslati novac using iDEAL u tri laka koraka

What is iDEAL money transfer?

You can make an iDEAL money transfer if you have a bank account in the Netherlands and want to pay for your transfer in euros. Using iDEAL is convenient - and quick. In fact, for transfers of 3,000 EUR or less, your money will be available immediately - while for transfers of a higher value, the funds will be deposited in 1 working day.

To arrange your iDEAL payment online or in the Wise app, just select iDEAL as the payment method when you set up your transfer, and you’ll be directed to the iDEAL page, to enter your bank details. You’ll be able to send up to 50,000 EUR per transfer with iDEAL.

Learn more about using iDEAL.

Provizije za plaćanje u inozemstvo

How much does it cost to send money using iDEAL?

To send money using iDEAL with Wise, you will pay a small, flat fee and a percentage of the amount that's converted. We will always show you the total cost upfront - and you can rely that we won't hide any further fees in the exchange rate.

Sending money shouldn’t cost the earth, so we built Wise to save you money when you transfer and exchange internationally. We charge as little as possible: right now a tiny fee, eventually free.

Nema velikih naknada, skrivenih ili ne. Stoga je jeftinije no što ste navikli.

How long does a money transfer using iDEAL take?

A money transfer using iDEAL (EUR-GBP) should arrive by utorak. Sometimes transfer times can differ based on currencies or verification changes. We’ll always keep you updated, and you can track each step in your account.

Wise vaš novac na mnogim popularnim rutama može poslati unutar jednog dana, kao prijenos tijekom istog dana ili čak trenutačni prijenos novca.

Putanja vašeg prijenosa


Trebalo bi stići

by utorak

Trust Wise with safe & secure money transfers

Osigurano od strane vodećih banaka

Vaš novac držimo u uglednim financijskim institucijama i on je odvojen od naših vlastitih računa, a u normalnom poslovanju on nije dostupan našim partnerima. Pročitajte više ovdje.

Dodatno sigurne transakcije

Koristimo dvofaktorsku autentifikaciju za zaštitu vašeg računa i transakcija. To znači da do vašeg novca možete vi - i samo vi.

Zaštita podataka

Predani smo čuvanju vaših osobnih podataka sigurnima i transparentni smo o tome kako ih prikupljamo, obrađujemo i pohranjujemo.

Namjenski tim protiv prijevara

Radimo 24 sata dnevno kako bi vaš račun i novac bili zaštićeni čak i od najsofisticiranijih prijevara.

Online prijevare su u porastu. Doznajte kako ostati sigurni.

See why customers choose Wise for their international money transfers

To je vaš novac. Možete nam vjerovati da ćemo ga dostaviti tamo gdje treba biti, ali nemojte nam vjerovati na riječ. Pročitajte naše recenzije na