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Italian Lira (ITK)

The Italian Lira (ITL) served as Italy's currency from 1861 until January 1, 1999. Since then, Italy transitioned to the Euro (EUR).
Italy flag

History of the Italian Lira

The Italian Lira (ITL) was a symbol of Italy's history rich history, both in its coins and banknotes. Its currency symbol was Lit. The story of ITL dates back to the 19th century, but it became the official currency of the Italian Republic in 1946.

The Italian Lira banknotes in denominations of 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 50000, and 100000 - although the 20000 and 50000 lire notes were seldom used. There were also 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 lire coins.

Cents come in coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 lire.

Italian Lira to USD historical rates

Italian Lira to USDUSD to Italian Lira

1 ITL = 0.00054 USD

1 USD = 1,828.54 ITL

100 ITL = 0.05 USD

10 USD = 18,287.75 ITL

500 ITL = 0.27 USD

50 USD = 91,448.45 ITL

1,000 ITL = 0.55 USD

100 USD = 182,896.90 ITL

3,000 ITL = 1.64 USD

200 USD = 365,817.65 ITL

10,000 ITL = 5.46 USD

500 USD = 914,535.93 ITL

50,000 ITL = 27.34 USD

1,000 USD = 1,828,601.9 ITL

100,000 ITL = 54.69 USD

2,000 USD = 3,657,383.4 ITL

1,000,000 ITL = 546.45 USD

3,000 USD = 5,485,722.9 ITL

100,000,000 ITL = 54,705.78 USD

5,000 USD = 9,142,871.5 ITL

600,000,000 ITL = 327,887.52 USD

10,000 USD = 18,284,595 ITL

The data above is provided for general information purposes only.
Top currency pairings for Italian Lira

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