Understanding and applying for TSA PreCheck

Gabriela Peratello

TSA® PreCheck is a Trusted Traveler Program run by the US government. Instead of dealing with regular security checks at the airport, members can head to a designated TSA PreCheck line for a fast and smooth airport journey.

This program can speed up security whenever you fly, and it’s a great choice if you regularly travel within the US.

Understand the benefits of TSA PreCheck, as well as how to apply. If you’re heading abroad, don’t forget your Wise Multi-Currency Card! Spend your money like a local in 160+ countries.


What is TSA PreCheck?

TSA PreCheck is a simple way for frequent flyers to pass through airport security using a designated line.

You can get your documents checked faster than regular airport security verification — and you can pass through without taking off your shoes, light jacket, quart-size liquids bag, or belt. You can also travel through security without taking your electronics out of your bag.¹

There are some pros and cons of TSA PreCheck to consider before sending your application.

  • Expedited airport security

  • Children under 12 years old can use the TSA PreCheck line with you¹

  • Available at 200 airports with 85+ participating airlines²

  • You’ll still be subject to random airport security checks

  • Mainly aimed at domestic travelers

  • You can only use TSA PreCheck at a participating airport

Can you use TSA PreCheck for international flights?

You can use TSA PreCheck when you leave the US for a foreign country, as well as when you travel within the US. However, this program is aimed at domestic travelers as it only helps to expedite the security process, and it doesn’t speed up US Immigration and customs.

If you regularly travel internationally, Global Entry may be a better choice. This program includes all the benefits of TSA PreCheck, but it also expedites the customs process.²

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How much does TSA PreCheck cost?

TSA PreCheck costs 78 USD for a 5-year membership, and it’s an affordable option for frequent domestic travelers in the US. Any subsequent memberships only cost 70 USD.¹

You may also be able to get a full TSA PreCheck reimbursement from your credit card company. Cards like the Bank of America® Premium Rewards Credit Card³ or the Chase® Sapphire Reserve Card offer this perk.⁴

How to apply for TSA PreCheck: step by step

It’s easy to apply for TSA PreCheck. We’ve put together a step-by-step guide to help you fill out your application.

Step 1. Complete an application form for TSA PreCheck via the Trusted Traveler Program System. It’s important to note that only websites ending in “.gov” are official

Step 2. Schedule an in-person interview at your local enrollment center

Step 3. At your appointment, a TSA agent will take you through a background check and you’ll give your fingerprints. You’ll also need to pay your application fee

Step 4. Once approved, you should receive your Known Traveler Number (KTN) in 3-5 days. You’ll need this number to use the TSA PreCheck line at any participating airports²

What happens if you're not approved for TSA PreCheck?

There are a few reasons why you may not receive approval for TSA PreCheck. You may have completed your application incorrectly or you may have a disqualifying criminal offense.²

If you’re not approved for TSA PreCheck, you can call the TSA Contact Center at (866) 289-9673 for further advice and support.²

Who is eligible for TSA PreCheck?

You can only apply for TSA PreCheck if you’re a US citizen, US national, or lawful permanent resident of the US. Canadian citizens who are members of NEXUS can also apply for TSA PreCheck.⁵

Can your family members use TSA PreCheck?

If you’re traveling with friends or family, it’s important to double check you have everything you need before you head to the airport.

Children aged 12 and under can use the TSA PreCheck line when accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Children over 13 years old can also pass through the TSA PreCheck line with their parents when traveling on the same reservation and if the TSA PreCheck indicator is on their boarding pass.

However, any children traveling alone must have their own TSA PreCheck membership.²

How long does it take to get TSA PreCheck?

Your application may take up to 60 days to process. However, many applicants receive their approval notification 3-5 days after their interview. You’ll know you’re approved when you receive your KTN.²

How long does TSA PreCheck approval last?

TSA PreCheck approval lasts for 5 years. TSA recommends renewing your membership at least 60 days before your old membership expires, as it can often take some time for members to receive their new KTN.²

TSA PreCheck vs. Global Entry vs. CLEAR

Global Entry is another Trusted Traveler Program available for low-risk travelers. This program expedites US Immigration and Customs and it includes the benefits of TSA PreCheck, letting members speed through both customs and security at the airport.

Clear is a private company that allows you to verify your identity using designated Clear machines at the airport, instead of waiting for a TSA agent to physically check your documents.

Use Global Entry and Clear in conjunction to speed up your airport journey every time you fly.

TSA PreCheck is a convenient Trusted Traveler Program for frequent flyers across the US. Although it’s aimed primarily at domestic travelers, there are plenty of reasons to use this program — and you can avoid waiting in long lines every time you fly.

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  1. The Points Guy
  2. TSA
  3. American Express
  4. Chase
  5. CBP

Sources checked on 07.24.2023

*Please see terms of use and product availability for your region or visit Wise fees and pricing for the most up to date pricing and fee information.

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