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Fees for the Wise card

Spend anywhere in the world at the real exchange rate, with low conversion fees. And never pay for subscription.

For residents in Philippines
Marble card illustration

Spend anywhere, with low conversion fees

Buy things online in any currency, or pay for things on holiday. If you don’t have the currency you need in your Wise Account, we’ll auto-convert it with the lowest possible fee.

Getting your Wise card

Order your card now
Personal card illustration

Ordering your card

No subscription fees

369.60 PHP

Digital card

Spend online, in-store and abroad safely


Replacing your card

Order a new card at any time

156.80 PHP

Replacing an expired card

We’ll remind you when it’s time to order a new one


Account Funding transactions

Applies to transactions that include topping up e-wallets and other accounts in certain currencies, see FAQ.


Withdrawing money from an ATM.

Make 2 withdrawals of up to and including 12000 PHP each month for free per account. After that, we’ll charge 30 PHP per withdrawal. There’s a 1% fee on any amount you withdraw above 12000 PHP.

Fees vary depending on the country where your card was issued and your country of residence. You can check which fees apply here.

Up to and including 12000 PHP per monthMore than 12000 PHP per month
2 or less withdrawalsFree1% of the amount over 12000 PHP
3 or more withdrawals30 PHP per withdrawal30 PHP + 1% of amount over 12000 PHP

Top tips for using your Wise card

Convert illustration

Check you’re paying in the local currency.

Sometimes, ATMs, shops, and online stores offer to charge you in your home currency. Then, they mark up the exchange rate.

Avoid these hidden fees by always choosing to be charged in the local currency of where you are.

Bell illustration

Stay up-to-date with notifications.

Whenever you spend with the Wise card, we’ll send you notification to your phone confirming the amount — and any conversion fees.

Use your app to update your notification preferences in Settings.

Wallet illustration

Save money by withdrawing larger amounts.

Taking money out for holiday? It’s cheaper to make one big withdrawal than multiple smaller ones.

This will save you from paying the fixed 30 PHP fee each time.