Travel tips, reviews and ideas

Travel Tips

ATMs in the United States

Americans love ATMs; and they have loads of them - 173 per 100,000 adults at the last count. They’re a common sight even in places where you wouldn’t expect...

06.06.17 3 minute read
Travel Tips

Best exchange rate at ATMs?

Have you ever seen an ATM offer to make a currency conversion for you? For example "This ATM offers conversion to your home currency" or something similar. I,...

23.05.17 1 minute read
Travel Tips

6 best apps to learn a new language

We've all made promises to learn a new language - technology today has made it easier than ever to keep that promise.With game-like set ups and interactive...

23.05.17 2 minute read
Travel Tips

ATMs in Canada

If you’re headed to Canada any time soon, you’re going to need Canadian Dollars.Luckily, despite its low population density, Canada has a large number of...

15.05.17 3 minute read
Travel Tips

ATMs in Malaysia

If you’re planning to travel to Malaysia, you may be wondering where to get cash for your trip.Malaysian currency - the Ringgit - isn’t as readily available...

15.05.17 3 minute read

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