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Accounting SIC codes

If you’re setting up an accounting business, you’ll need your SIC code when filing for taxes, completing loan applications, or filling in other paperwork. Here’s how to find the right SIC code for you, as well as some hints on saving money with Wise Business.
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Which SIC codes can be used by public accountants?

Standard Industrial Classification codes — SIC codes for short — are given to all businesses. These 4 digit codes are then used by government agencies, marketing companies, banks, academics and entrepreneurs, to understand and analyze the type of work a business is involved in.

CPA businesses fall into the major group 87 — all SIC codes for this industry will start with these numbers. You can then find out more about the business type by looking at the final digits. SIC code 8721 is used by Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services.

The types of businesses using SIC code 8721 might include accountants, auditors and bookkeepers.

Also see SIC codes for management consulting.





Major Group


Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management

Industry Group


Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services

SIC code


Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services

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If you’re starting a new business, you need to find the smartest way to pay suppliers and staff, and manage your money on the go.

Wise Business gives you a free business card for simple spending. You’ll be able to hold multiple currencies in the same account, and settle invoices in multiple currencies for a low fee, so you can pay suppliers at home and abroad.

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Examples of businesses


Auditing service, accounts


Certified public accountants (CPAs)


Bookkeeping and billing service


Payroll accounting service


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Convert Accounting SIC to NAICS codes.

SIC CodeSIC IndustryNAICS CodeNAICS Industry


Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping


Offices of Certified Public Accountants


Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping


Payroll Services


Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping


Other Accounting Services