With Wise, you can get account details that you can share with others to receive payments.
Once you get account details, you can share them with the person or business that wants to pay you and they can send you money directly from their bank.
How your account details work
How do I open account details?
If you live in a country that’s eligible for Wise balances, you can get account details by selecting one of the eligible currencies from the home screen and selecting Get account details.
We’ll guide you through the setup process — there may be requirements if it’s your first time.
Learn more about getting account details
What currencies and types of payments can I receive?
You can get account details in over 10 different currencies including USD, EUR, and GBP.
Learn what currencies and payment types you can receive
With GBP account details, you can receive international Swift payments from outside the UK in 23 different currencies. Learn more about receiving to your GBP account details
With EUR account details, you can receive international Swift payments from outside the SEPA region in 5 different currencies. Learn more about receiving with your EUR account details
Wise doesn’t accept cash or cheque payments. We can receive from some Cryptocurrency platforms, but not from all.
Learn more about receiving from Cryptocurrency platforms
What happens after I receive the money?
Your payment will be added directly into the relevant currency balance on your Wise account — you'll see it under Transactions.
Once the money is on your balance, you can convert it to any available currency, hold it on your Wise account, or send it to an external bank account.
Fees and limits
Most currencies have no receiving fees for domestic payments, with the exception of USD domestic wires. There is a fee to receive international (Swift) payments in most currencies.
And most currencies have no receiving limits with the exception of USD and SGD. Read more on fees and limits here
Checking and sharing your account details
How do I check my account details?
Once you've opened your account details, on app or web:
From Home, select one of your balances
Select the account details button just under the currency
You can view and copy your account details to share with others.
What details should I provide for domestic payments?
Domestic account details are available for many currencies. These allow you to get paid like a local, wherever you are. For example, someone can pay you USD as if you’re located in the US — even if you’re actually somewhere else.
Domestic payments are usually the cheapest and fastest way to receive money with your account details.
When receiving a domestic payment, you'll typically need to provide the sender with these details:
Account Number: Your account’s unique identifier within the bank.
IBAN (International Bank Account Number): Used in many countries, it includes your country code, bank code, and account number.
Routing Number - can be for ACH and Wire payments (for U.S.): A 9-digit code identifying your bank.
Sort Code (for the UK): A 6-digit code identifying your bank and branch.
BSB Code (for Australia): A 6-digit number used to identify the individual branch of an Australian financial institution.
What details should I provide for international payments?
For international payments, provide the sender with:
Swift/BIC: A unique code to identify your bank globally.
IBAN (International Bank Account Number): Used in many countries, it includes your country code, bank code, and account number.
Name: Name as it appears on your account.
Learn more about how account details work
Are there other ways to receive money to my Wise account?
You can also receive payments in other ways such as through your email address or phone number, your Wise card details, or by sending a request. Learn more about these other ways to receive here