IBAN for Santander (Bank Zachodni BZ WBK)
Everything you need to know about Santander (Bank Zachodni BZ WBK) IBAN Numbers: what is their structure, where to find and how to use them. Any IBAN or BBAN account numbers we use on this page are provided as examples, and shouldn't be used to process a transfer.
Calculate an IBAN
Fill in the account details, and we’ll calculate the IBAN for you.
What is the IBAN code for Santander (Bank Zachodni BZ WBK) in Poland?
IBAN for Santander (Bank Zachodni BZ WBK) in Poland consists of 28 characters:
- 2 letter country code
- 2 digit check number
- 3 characters from the Santander (Bank Zachodni BZ WBK)'s bank code
- 4 digit code for the Santander (Bank Zachodni BZ WBK) bank branch
- 1 digit code for national code
- 16 digit code for the Santander (Bank Zachodni BZ WBK) bank account number
Already have an IBAN code?
Check IBANSantander (Bank Zachodni BZ WBK) IBAN example in Poland | PL61109010140000071219812874 |
IBAN in print format | PL61 1090 1014 0000 0712 1981 2874 |
Country code | PL |
Check digits | 61 |
Bank code | 109 |
Branch code | 0101 |
National check digit | 4 |
Bank account number | 0000071219812874 |
How can I find my Santander (Bank Zachodni BZ WBK) IBAN number?
Finding the right IBAN number is crucial, but shouldn’t be difficult.
You can either work out your IBAN based on the example above, or find everything you need by logging into Santander (Bank Zachodni BZ WBK) online banking, or checking your bank statement.
If you don’t use the right IBAN number, your payment might be returned or sent to the wrong account. Get it right the first time by checking with your bank, or asking the recipient to provide the details you need, if you’re not sure.
Don’t forget, any IBAN or BBAN account numbers we use in this article are given as examples, and shouldn’t be used to process a transfer.
Do you need an IBAN in Poland?
Yes. If you’re making – or expecting to receive – an international money transfer to a bank account in Poland, then just a standard bank account number isn’t enough. If you want your money to arrive quickly and safely, you’ll usually need to give the bank a few extra details, such as an IBAN or SWIFT code.
Banks assign IBANs to each of their accounts to make sure that international transfers are processed correctly.
IBANs contain all of the country, bank, and account details you need to send or receive money internationally. This system is used throughout Europe, and also recognised in some areas of the Middle East, North Africa and the Caribbean.
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