Your Wise card payment can be declined for a number of reasons — we’ll usually send you a notification explaining why.
To get it working again, you can use the instructions below, using the decline reason to find your answer.
How to reactivate your card payment
Contactless problems
If your contactless payment didn’t work, try paying using chip and PIN instead. This reactivates contactless payments if they were blocked for technical or security reasons.
Not enough money in your balance
Your payment might've been declined because there wasn't enough money in your balance to pay for it. Top up your balance to continue using your card through these steps:
Go to the Home page to see your declined transaction under Tasks.
Select Add money
Follow the steps to enter the amount you’d like to top up, and the currency you want to pay with
Once the money is in your account, you can use your card again
Problems with limits
Here's how you can change your spending limits
Frozen card
You can unfreeze your card in one of two ways:
Go to the Home page to see your declined transaction under Tasks, then select Unfreeze your card, or
Go to the Card page, then select Unfreeze card.
On the home page, you'll see your declined transaction with the message: Declined — your card is frozen. You can then either Unfreeze card, or Dismiss the message.
Cards tab
Go to your Cards tab, then select Unfreeze card.
Chip and PIN enabling
Here's how you can enable chip and PIN payments on your Wise account:
Select Card
Select Manage payment methods
Toggle Chip and PIN transactions on
Some online payments technically count as a chip and PIN transaction, so you need to enable it on your Wise card to complete the transaction.
Card activation
Most customers don’t have to activate their Wise card in order to start using it, but some do. Check if you’re in a country where you need to activate your Wise card manually and how to do it.
Moving countries
If you've moved countries or regions, depending on where you moved from and to, your card may be cancelled. For example, if you got your card in the US, then moved to the UK, your US card will be cancelled. In some other regions, you'll be able to use your card until it expires, then order a new one.
Check the article on Wise Multi-Currency Cards in the US
You'll need to order a new card in the country you now reside in.
Check where cards are available
Card problems we can’t help with
Sometimes, your card will be declined for reasons outside our control, such as:
The merchant’s payment system doesn’t support Wise card
You’re spending in one of the countries Wise card doesn’t work in
We blocked it for security reasons (we might not be able to tell you why)
Unfortunately, if one of these is your issue, you’ll need to use another payment method.