When you open a bank account, you usually need to provide documents to verify details about yourself and your business. Wise is no different.
We do everything we can to make it quick, painless, and completely online.
Here’s how to verify your business:
1. Register
It’s easy to sign up for your Wise Business account — check the fees for your region on our pricing page.
2. Tell us about your business
You’ll need to share details like your business registration, where you’re located — the business registered and trading addresses, the industry you’re in, any online or social presence, and name, date of birth, country of residence for all stakeholders, and a document showing who owns or controls the company.
3. Tell us about yourself
As the owner of this account, we need your personal details to verify your identity. If you’re not a director of the company, you may need to include additional information to confirm that you're authorised to act on behalf of the business.
4. Set up and pay for a transfer
Enter how much you want to send, let us know who you're sending to, and pay for your transfer. Learn more about sending money with Wise.
Another option is paying a one-time set-up fee to get account details for receiving money.
Now it’s our turn
We'll let you know if we need extra information to verify you once we receive your money. This usually takes less than 10 working days. Keep in mind that if you added team members to your business account, they need to be verified, too.
Once your verification is completed, we'll send you a confirmation email and resume your transfer.
Some countries have specific requirements
If your business is registered in the EEA, UK, US, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, or New Zealand, there may be additional information or documentation we need to collect before we can verify your account.
We only support charities registered in Canada, EEA (European Economic Area), Switzerland, UK, US, Australia, and New Zealand.
We only support trusts in Canada, EEA (European Economic Area), Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, US, and the UK.
If your business is registered in Brazil, we only support: Empresário Individual, including MEI (Micro Empresa Individual), Sociedade Limitada Unipessoal and Sociedade Unipessoal de Advocacia
If your business registered address and trading address are in different countries, we can only offer you services that are available in both countries.