What are MYR account details?
These are your very own account details to receive Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) with zero fees.
This isn’t a bank account, but the account number we give you works in the same way when receiving money. Just share your account name and account number with your friends, company, or customers, and they can send you MYR from any Malaysian bank account.
Learn how to add money to your MYR balance.
How to receive MYR
First, you’ll need to get MYR account details. MYR account details are only available for personal customers who are resident in Malaysia.
Then, share your details with the person who wants to pay you. When your sender enters your account details in their banks’ system, they might see JPM as the bank. This is our partner bank that we hold accounts with. Although we’re partnered with them, make sure to reach out to us if you have any questions about incoming payments.
They can pay you by local bank transfer in Malaysia using RPP or GIRO. RPP will arrive in your account in seconds, and GIRO will arrive in up to 1 working day.
How much can I receive?
If you live in Malaysia, you can only hold up to 20,000 MYR in your personal account. To make sure you can continue receiving MYR, make sure to withdraw it to an external bank account.
To add your bank account, please refer to this guide for more information
For more information on how to add a bank account check here.
Payments from outside Malaysia
You can’t receive payments from outside Malaysia or in currencies other than MYR with your MYR account details.