Your account details may include an IBAN that starts with “GB”. This is because Wise is based in the United Kingdom.
Although this IBAN starts with “GB”, you can use it to receive many currencies: GBP, AED, EUR, USD, AUD*, BGN, CAD, CHF, CZK, CNY, DKK, HKD, HUF, ILS, JPY, NOK, NZD**, PLN, SEK, RON, SGD, UGX and ZAR.
*You can't receive AUD by Swift if your address is in Australia.
**You can't receive NZD by Swift if your address is in New Zealand.
Receiving payments internationally via Swift means that the sender's bank uses the Swift system instead of domestic payment methods. These payments usually go through several intermediary banks which may charge fees.
Because it goes through multiple banks before reaching Wise, it might take up to 5 working days to get Swift payments credited to your account. This can depend on when it was sent and where it was sent from.
What details do you need to share to receive a payment?
To receive a payment via Swift, you should share:
The currency you want to receive
Your IBAN*
Your account address**
*Your IBAN begins with GB because Wise is based in the UK. For Swift transfers, some banks may require both a Swift/BIC code and an account number. Use an IBAN calculator if needed.
**If a bank asks for a bank name and address, use the address shown in your GBP account details. Although Wise isn’t a bank, these details will work for processing your transfer.
You can also use the Share button to send details via Share, Copy, or Download PDF.
What happens when you receive a payment?
We'll credit your balance in the currency sent. For example, if you receive JPY, it will go into your JPY balance - or we'll open one for you if needed.
Some banks may convert the currency because of the UK-based IBAN (starting with GB). Ask your sender to ensure their bank doesn’t convert it unnecessarily.