Your membership number is a unique identifier we give you when you create an account with us. It's a string of numbers starting with the letter P.
Here's how to find your membership number
On web
While logged in, click on your name/initials in the top right corner
Your membership number will be displayed under your full name
On the app
Select Home from the bottom left corner
this is the screen we show you when you first log in to the app
Click on your initials/profile picture in the top left corner
if you set up a profile picture, you'll see that instead of your initials
Scroll down to the bottom to see your membership number
What can I use this number for?
You'll need your membership number when you contact us over the phone.
You'll also need to use this number when you pay for a transfer with a bank transfer. When you transfer money to Wise from your external bank account, we need you to include your membership number as the payment reference. This helps us locate your money and to make sure it came from you.
Note: we use your membership number to identify you, so you don't share your membership number with other people, such as your recipient.