When you send money to Wise there are some types of accounts or payments we can't accept. There are 3 different ways to send payments to us:
Sending money to pay for transfer
Adding your own money to your Wise account
Receiving money to your Wise account — usually from 3rd parties
Types of accounts we may not be able to accept money from
Brokerage accounts
You can pay for a transfer from USD brokerage accounts, but only if the money is sent from an account in your name — we might ask for a document that proves you own the account.
You can't pay for a transfer, or add money from Stripe, but you can receive money from Stripe into your Wise account.
You can receive money from your PayPal account as long as PayPal accepts your Wise account details as a withdrawal bank account.
Accounts that show the account holder as a third party
If you're paying for a transfer, or adding money to your Wise account, the money must come from an account in your name. If the account holder is a third party, we can't accept the money. Some accounts like this are:
Estate accounts
Skrill accounts
Contis Group accounts
Card One accounts
Types of payments we can't accept
We can’t accept cash or cheques in any form.
Adding or sending money
You can’t add money or pay for transfers with cryptocurrencies and you can’t make any outgoing transfers to any crypto platform.
Receiving money
You can receive money to your Wise account from a platform that deals with cryptocurrencies — as long as the platform is regulated and/or supervised in the EU or UK and is within Wise’s risk appetite and per Wise’s discretion.
For example, we’re not able to accept any payments from Binance or Coinbase.
Please check section 1.2 in our Acceptable Use Policy about unsupported transactions, and read section 1.2.2.c about cryptocurrencies for more info.
Always check the terms for your own region available here — check the relevant Wise card supplement for more info on Wise card usage.