Starting from 31 December 2024, we're making changes to our product for customers with an address outside the European Economic Area (EEA). We're no longer able to offer RON (Romanian leu) account details for personal and business customers as part of your Wise account.
What does this mean for me?
This means that if you have an address outside the EEA, you won't be able to:
keep your RON account details
receive money using your RON account details
any money sent to your local RON account details will be automatically refunded to the sender
You’re still able to receive RON locally from other Wise users by sharing your contact info or your Wisetag. You can also receive RON from senders without a Wise account by Swift international transfer using your GBP account details.
Will anything else on my account change?
No — nothing else on your account is changing. You can still add money, convert from your RON balance to another currency, and send RON from your balance. You can also receive money in other currencies.