Your Direct Debit can fail for a number of reasons, most of the time we’ll be able to give you some information of what happened. You can find this by going to Home in your account and finding the failed transaction.
Here’s some of the reasons your Direct Debit might have failed:
We don’t offer Direct Debits for your currency
Direct Debits are only available for AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, and USD accounts.
There wasn’t enough money in your balances
When your merchant tried to debit your balance, there wasn’t enough money to cover the payment.
You cancelled the Direct Debit
When you cancel an upcoming Direct Debit, you stop the merchant from debiting any money from your account going forward.
Your merchant had trouble setting up your Direct Debit
There’s a number of reasons your merchant can have trouble setting up your Direct Debit. When this happens, we can’t process it correctly and have to reject it.
Direct Debits aren’t allowed in your country
You may have recently changed your address to a country where we don’t offer balances or Direct Debits.
Direct Debits are unsupported in North Macedonia and Montenegro.
What do I do next?
Anytime your Direct Debit fails, we recommend that you get in touch with your merchant to learn more and arrange another way to pay.
To avoid a rejected debit fee from your merchant, make sure to get in touch with them beforehand. If you are charged a fee, we can’t reimburse you as we weren’t the ones to charge it.