To close your balances, you’ll need to remove each currency one by one. Before you can do that, you’ll need to make sure there’s no money in that balance. To withdraw money:
Go to Home and select the balance you want to withdraw from
Select Send
Choose the bank account you want to send your money to
When asked how much you’d like to send, choose Send it all
Confirm the payment to empty your balance
Once all your balances are empty, you can close them one by one.
Go to Home and select the balance you want to remove
Click on the three down (...) and then Close balance
What if I have Direct Debits set up?
When you close a balance, any Direct Debits you have set up will automatically be cancelled. This won’t cancel the contract or subscription you have with the company you were paying. So don’t forget to cancel with them, or give them different bank details. If you don’t, you might still owe them money, and they might charge you an extra fee for not paying on time.