If your registered address on Wise is in Japan, you'll be able to send Large Amount transfers using Wise for amounts up to 150,000,000 Japanese Yen equivalent to and from any currency we support .
Due to regulations, the new Large Transfers limit of up to 150,000,000 JPY equivalent only applies to Sending money under our type 1 license. If you try to send a large transfer in any other way, such as from your balances, it won't work.
If sending money directly from your balances, and for adding money to your balances, the previous 1,000,000 JPY or equivalent limit applies.
Here’s a recap to get you familiar with our limits:
Transfer method | Limit |
Sending money from your bank, card or alternative payment methods to another bank, card or alternative payment method | Up to 150,000,000 JPY or equivalent in other currencies |
Holding money in your account’s balances | Up to 1,000,000 JPY or equivalent across all balances - see holding limits if you live in Japan |
Adding money to your Wise balance | Up to 1,000,000 JPY at once |
Withdrawing money from your Wise balance | Up to 1,000,000 JPY or equivalent per withdrawal |
If you live abroad, these holding and sending limits won't apply to you, and you should refer to the currencies page for your limits instead.
How to send a Large Transfer
From Home, select Send
Select your recipient, if applicable
Type the amount you wish to send
Choose how to pay by tapping the Change button in the Paying with section
Click Continue to finish setting up your transfer, and pay using the Paying with method you chose.
From Home, select Send
Select your recipient, if applicable
Type the amount you wish to send
Choose how to pay by tapping the Change button in the Paying with section
Click Continue to finish setting up your transfer, and pay using the Paying with method you chose.
Make sure you are using "Send" for Large Transfers
If you’re sending more than 1,000,000 JPY at once, you won’t be able to use your Wise balance as a Paying with method. In that case, you'll see the following error message:
![JPY send limits](https://images.ctfassets.net/lbl105a14rhd/78zIMsiLOK7uLWNIDUV8DP/1f27cb18ed3f6e3612ffae6339bcc716/Screenshot_2024-05-08_at_10.11.20.png)
Make sure to follow the steps outlined above and to select any other available payment methods, such as Bank Transfer, by selecting Change in the Paying with section just below the transfer amount you typed.
If you’re unable to see the Change button or the Paying with section, make sure you're setting up your transfer by choosing Send in your Wise Home. Due to regulations, you won't be able to change the Paying with method if you selected Add or Send from your Wise Balance.