Find general guidance about taxes when using Wise Interest & Stocks
When you turn on Wise Interest, you’re investing in units in a fund.
If you are a tax resident in Italy, you may need to pay capital gains tax (“CGT”) and a wealth tax (“WT”) from your use of Wise Interest or Stocks.
Capital gains tax may be due when you dispose of your shares in the fund i.e. when you spend, send or convert.
A wealth tax may be due annually on the market value of your shares held at the end of each tax year.
How do I know if I need to prepare a tax return?
Tax residents in Italy will need to report their income from the fund in their annual tax return.
You can find more information at the Italy tax administration website — Agenzia delle Entrate - Home (Agenzia delle Entrate - Dichiarazione precompilata 2024).
If you're a sole trader using Wise Interest passively, the guidance above does not apply to you.