To make sure your recipient gets the full amount in their currency, follow the steps below.
Batch payments are currently not available for Brazilian businesses.
Send to bank accounts template builder
On the template builder screen, click on the Amount currency field and select Target currency. You’ll see the field Transfer amount is then updated to the recipient’s currency
Enter the amount you’d like for the recipient to get — we’ll show how much you’d need to send us in your currency
Keep in mind: if you select “source” as the “amountCurrency”, we’ll deduct the fees from your payment and send the rest to your recipient in their currency.
Send by email and Send to saved recipients templates
Type the “target” under the “amountCurrency” column.
How do you calculate the fees?
When you make a batch payment, we charge fees for each transfer. These fees are the same as for individual transfers you make.
You can choose between two options:
Fixed Source Payment — choose this to send an exact amount in the source currency. The fees will be deducted from your recipients
Fixed Target Payment — chose this to send an exact amount to your recipients in the target currency. The fees will be deducted from you, and your recipients will get the exact amount
If we’ve offered a Guaranteed Rate (GR) on any of the payments within the batch, make sure you send us the money before it expires. If we don’t get your funds on time, your payments will be sent out automatically at the live exchange rate. We'll deduct the additional fees from the amount we send out to the recipient.