Jars are for money you want to set aside and keep separate from your balances. You can’t spend it with your debit card or use it to pay Direct Debits, but you can send the money from it like you would from a balance.
Open as many Jars as you want for:
saving up for a holiday or big purchase
storing money you want to send in another currency
planning for bills or other future expenses
setting aside money for a rainy day
investing your money as Interest or Stocks
Learn more about managing your Jar when it's held as Interest
Learn more about managing your Jar when it's held as Stocks
How do I use Jars?
When you open a Jar, you’ll choose the currency you want to save in and give it a name and icon. Then you can:
Add money from any of your balances
Withdraw money to a balance that’s in the same currency as the Jar
Send a transfer from your Jar
How do I open a Jar?
Go to Home on the website or app.
If you already have open balances, scroll to the far left until you see the Open option and select it.
Select Jar.
Select a Currency.
Assign it a name and an icon.
Add money from a balance.
How do I send from a Jar?
You can send from the web and from the Android Wise app.
Go to Home on the website or app.
Choose the Jar that you’d like to send from at the top of the screen.
Click Send*.
Enter the amount you want to send, choose a recipient, and enter a reference.
Sending limits are the same as when sending from your Balance in the same currency.
*If the Jar is held as Interest or Stocks, the option to send money will be accessible exclusively in countries that provide instant access to your funds.
How do I close a Jar?
In the Wise app, select your Jar, then select the 3 dots on the top of the screen.
On the website, select your Jar, then select More. You'll see the option to close your Jar.
You can't close it if there's still money in it. You have to move it out first.
If you’re using Stocks or Interest, you have to change the Jar back to cash before you can close it. When you change back to cash, the remaining units will be sold, and you’ll then see the option to close your Jar.
Anything else I should know?
If you have a personal account with an address in Singapore, you can only use Jars when you invest in Assets.
US customers that've opted in to earn interest can only receive interest on their main USD, GBP or EUR balances. This type of interest isn't available for jars at this time.
Learn more about earning interest on your Wise account if you live in the US