If you paid for goods or services with your Wise card, but you waited longer than expected or received something different, then here’s what you can do.
1. Contact the seller
It's best to contact the seller directly to try to resolve the issue. Sometimes if there are delays or there was something wrong with what you got, they’ll try to make it right for you. This is usually the easiest and fastest way to work it out.
2. Collect information
If they were unable or unwilling to help you then we’ll need the following information:
A receipt, email order, invoice or confirmation for the purchase
A detailed description of what the purchase was for and how the goods or service wasn't delivered as expected.
If it was different, let us know how it was different than you expected
If it was late, let us know when it was supposed to be delivered and when you actually received it.
A detailed description of what you’ve done so far, such as
screenshots of your attempts to contact the seller and their replies
if you returned the goods or service, provide a confirmation return with the date you returned it.
Screenshots and photos are always helpful for our investigation.
3. File a dispute
Once you have this information, file a dispute with us so we can look into it for you.
For non-deliveries please wait at least 15 days from the date you made your order before filing a dispute.
If you’ve been blatantly scammed, you can file your dispute immediately. Learn more about reporting fraudulent payments
Next steps
Once you file a dispute, we’ll reply to you within 30-45 days. This timeframe is due to Visa and Mastercard policies and procedures. We can’t speed up that time, but we promise to send you any updates as soon as we receive them.