Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions about Mexican peso (MXN) transfers.
Sending to MXN
Who can I send MXN to?
You can send MXN to most bank accounts in Mexico.
You can't send money to BanCoppel or Banco Azteca accounts, as they won't be able to process your payment.
What information do I need about my recipient?
You’ll need their full name, address when sending from certain currencies (e.g. USD — we'll ask you when you setup your payment), and 18-digit CLABE. This is made up of a 3-digit bank code, 3-digit branch office code, 11-digit account number, and 1-digit control digit.
How much can I send?
You can send up to the equivalent of 95,000 USD per transfer.
How much you can send also depends on what currency you're sending from, so check the relevant currency article for more information.
How long does it usually take for the money to arrive?
Once Wise receives and converts your money, it usually takes 0–1 working days to arrive in your recipient’s bank account. Conversion can take up to 2 working days.
We’ll always give you an estimate for how long your transfer will take when you set it up.
Learn more about how long transfers take
Sending from MXN
You can send Mexican pesos via bank transfer — you must be a Mexican citizen and the bank account must be in your name and located in Mexico.
What do I need when sending from MXN?
To send from MXN, you need to be a Mexican citizen with a valid INE ID. Once we verify you, you'll be able to send from MXN.
If you're a Mexican citizen residing abroad, you can still send MXN as long as you have a valid INE. Currently, you can't send from MXN if you reside in Canada or Japan.
We’re not able to support transfers from MXN if you’re not a Mexican citizen.
How much can I send?
You can send up to the equivalent of 5,000 USD in MXN per calendar month. Currently, the fixed Wise rate is 100,000 MXN. This is subject to change based on Wise's regular fixed rate reviews.
How long does it usually take for the money to arrive?
It should take seconds to arrive, but in some cases, it can take up to 1 working day.
I’ve cancelled my payment, how long will my refund take?
We’ll let you know when we’ve refunded your money. For bank transfers, it should be instant, but it can take 1 working day to arrive.