These details don't look right

Enter a SWIFT / BIC code to find out to which bank it belongs.

  • Your 4-digit bank code UNCR was not found, but may be correct.
  • Your 2-digit country code IT is for Italy
  • Your 2-digit location code B1 was not found but may be correct.
  • Your 3-digit branch code DD2 was not found but may be correct.

Always confirm the details with your recipient

When sending or receiving money, always check the SWIFT code with your recipient or bank.

If you think you've used the wrong SWIFT code to send money, you should get in contact with your bank right away. They may be able to cancel the transaction. If it's too late to cancel, you might have to contact the recipient yourself and request that they return your money.

Mathu, London, UK
I use Wise to send money to my family in India.
Mathu, London, UK

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Everything is good about wise
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Wise is the best for me. This very easy and suitable. Save money and money transfer very easy. I use this almost five year.
Gillul Haque
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Extremely efficient and straight forward to the point! Very simple as well!
Sonia Mason
Published 1 hour ago
Receive money with local bank details

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