Get paid and save on the conversion

Get paid and save on the conversion

Trusted by over 600k+ businesses, big and small, moving billions with Wise
4.3/5 from 200k+ reviews
All you need to do business worldwide
Pay international suppliers with ease
Pay global expenses with upfront, transparent fees and top up to your account instantly and 24/7 with Pix.
Get paid fast like a local business
Receive money in 20+ currencies with account details like IBANs, sort codes and routing numbers, just like your business is based there.
Get Brazil's first international debit card
Pay worldwide with just 1.1% IOF if you need to convert, or use different currencies you've received directly. No hassle or bureaucracy.
Approve your team's payments
Pay internationally in 40+ currencies and manage your team's transactions in an easy, fast way. You're in control.
Grow your business faster with Wise
Save money and time when making and receiving payments from abroad. Just 250 BRL to set up and get all features, with no additional charges or monthly fees.
Receive USD 24/7
Get USD account details to get paid, and then Auto Convert or spend in 40+ currencies.
Brazil’s first international business card
Make payments, pay suppliers and services, and reconcile invoices.
Just 0,38% IOF
Pay 0.38% IOF on conversions to BRL, with easy withdrawals to your business bank account.

Grow your business faster with Wise
Save money and time when making and receiving payments from abroad. Just 250 BRL to set up and get all features, with no additional charges or monthly fees.
Receive USD 24/7
Get USD account details to get paid, and then Auto Convert or spend in 40+ currencies.
Brazil’s first international business card
Make payments, pay suppliers and services, and reconcile invoices.
Just 0,38% IOF
Pay 0.38% IOF on conversions to BRL, with easy withdrawals to your business bank account.

Pix fee
Our fee
26.96 BRL
- IOF tax
32.35 BRL
Total included fees (1.98%)
59.31 BRL
Should arrive by Tuesday
Minimum fees, and getting lower
Small and transparent fees, mid-market rate and up to 1.1% IOF. The perfect combo to save your business from loosing money on international payments. See for yourself.
Your money, protected
We are regulared by the Central Bank of Brazil and our security systems are built to keep every cent safe and available any time.
- 24/7 support24/7 support
Our support in Portuguese is available to help by phone and e-mail.
- SecuritySecurity
Encryption, biometrics and real-time payment approvals keep your money away from thieves.
- SafeguardedSafeguarded
Your money is diversified and held with an established group of financial institutions.
Hear from businesses scaling with Wise

"Holding Euro account details allows us to get paid directly from our customers, without the need for exchange fees."
Stela & Momchil
Founders, BeeHype
Read their story
“I know if I’ve got a Wise account, and my customer has got a Wise account, it feels safe”.
Suzanne Noble
Co-founder, Startup School for Seniors
Watch Suzanne’s story
"Wise is a game-changer. It's easy to use, helps us save money, and is perfect for paying our remote team."
Simon Treulle
Founder, Pangolia
Read Simon’s story
"Sending payments to all our clients used to take me close to a week, and with Wise's batch payments feature, I can accomplish this in just a few minutes.”
Chris Kennedy
Rident Royalties
Read Chris’ story
“Wise offers payments to local wallet schemes for certain currencies/countries such as Gcash in The Philippines or Mpesa in Kenya etc, this in turn gives our contractors and clients more choice.”
Xenios Thrasyvoulou
Founder, TalentDesk
Read Xenios’ story
“We have integrated payments with Wise from day one. It’s been an integral part of how we’ve been able to payout royalties and run our business."
Andy Irvine
CEO, GYROstream
Read Andy’s story